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Vaagmee® Carrot Malt

Vaagmee® Carrot Malt :


An excellent health drink mix, which is made with the goodness of Carrot Extract, Raw Sugarcane Juice, Almonds ,Cashewnut and Cardamom. This drink is very rich micronutrients thereby making it a healthier choice for people suffering from liver disorders, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.So, this Carrot malt is a great option if you are looking to add carrots in your daily diet. Therefore, to give yourself a health boost, it is advisable to make it a regular feature in your daily diet. The deliciously sweet flavor of this health boosting drink comes packed with Vitamins A, C, K, beta carotene, polyphenols & antioxidants among other important micro nutrients.



  • Carrots have a wealth of antioxidants.
  • Our daily requirement of vitamin A can be attained.
  • The fiber in carrots can help to keep blood sugar at its levels.
  • Presence of Vitamin K, Potassium, Fiber, Vitamin C, Calcium and Iron can strengthen your bones.
  • Keeps your blood pressure lower.
  • Improves Skin Health and our overall body immunity.

Carrot Malt

SKU: M002
₹323.00 Regular Price
₹274.55Sale Price
  • Raw Sugarcane Juice, Almonds ,Cashewnut , Cardamom and Carrot

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